
Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹400

The Truth Is

Edited by Prashanti de Jager. Rs 350 English Edition.
Rs 450 Hebrew Translation.
Rs 150 Japanese Translation.
Plus shipping and handling.

A collection of discourses and dialogues that Sri H.W.L. Poonja had with visitors between 1990 and 1996. The book is compiled and edited by topic by rashanti.
It is highly regarded by members of all spiritual traditions and those interested in Advaita and non-dual teachings.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹700

Papaji Amazing grace

Within the pages of this book, you’ll find a collection of interviews that offer us a unique glimpse into the diverse array of experiences that blossomed under Papaji’s guidance in the garden of Satsang.
Writer – Premananda ( John David )
Price – 700
Price including shipping and handling charges

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹700


Prose and Poetry of Dancing Emptiness
Edited by Prashanti de Jager. Rs 600 plus shipping and handling.
This is an introduction to the poetry and prose of Sri H.W.L. Poonja. These wise and deeply spiritual selections are from the Satsangs, or truths recorded in Poonjaji’s comprehensive The Truth Is, and they distill the essence of his teachings into a shorter, more portable collection.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹500

Thus speak Papaji

Presenting a Treasury of Spontaneous Poems

Within the pages of this book, you’ll discover a captivating collection of spontaneous poems spoken by Sri HWL Poonja during his interactions with disciples in North India from 1990 to 1997. These poetic gems emanate from his profound understanding of the pure consciousness that binds us – the simple yet supreme truth of our existence as the Totality of Existence.
Language – German
Price – 500
Price including shipping and handling


Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹800

Wake Up and Roar Vol 1 & Vol 2

Volume I – 171 pages
Volume II – 175 pages
Edited by Eli Jaxon-Bear.
Rs 600 for both plus shipping and handling.

In these dialogues, the power and presence of Poonjaji leaps right off the pages, giving every opportunity for the mind to stop and the heart to open to itself.
Volume 1 answers questions about the ego, meditation, and the nature of the true self.
Volume 2 explores the concept of enlightenment, the traps of mind and senses, and devotion and self-inquiry: the two gateways to Advaita.
These books have just been reprinted!
There is also a ONE VOLUME version available at the Avadhuta Foundation.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹400

Fire of Freedom

Edited by David Godman.
Rs 350, plus shipping and handling.
This is a completely new collection of teaching dialogues between Papaji and visitors who came to see him in Lucknow in the middle of 1991. At that time only about fifteen people would come each day, and all the satsangs were held in the living room of Papaji’s house.
In these conversations Papaji explains the practical teachings of his Master, Ramana Maharshi, in a simple and forceful way. As he engages his visitors in discussions about the nature of spiritual freedom and the means by which it can be discovered, he is always looking for an opportunity to take his questioners back to the source of their minds so that they can find out for themselves, by direct experience, what he is trying to show them.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹200

Papaji Prasad Recipes and Stories of mealtimes with H.W.L. Poonja

Edited and compiled by Susan Helbert (Gita)
This amazing spiral-bound cookbook of Indian recipes was compiled with recipes from Jyoti and other members of Papaji’s kitchen. It also includes some touching stories of eating meals with Papaji and also, never-before-seen photos of Papaji both shopping and eating. Limited edition.
Rs 200, plus shipping and handling.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹400

Tum Kaun Ho – ₹300

By Padamnabh Prabhas(In Hindi)
The life and Teachings of Papaji, Written by a devotee in Lucknow.
Hardcover, 255 Pages
Rs 100 plus shipping and handling.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹250

Papaji 100th Birthday Celebration Song Book

This beautiful song book was compiled for Papaji’s 100th birthday celebration and includes some of Papaji favourite devotional songs, many of which used to be sang by His devotees in Satsang in Lucknow.
The books also includes songs written for Papaji in Hindi and in English by His devotees. This is a limited edition book and there are only very few copies left from the celebration available at Satsang Bhavan.
Rs 200, plus shipping and handling.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹400

Papaji: Interviews

Papaji attracted thousands of western seekers to his Satsangs in India. Among the crowds, there was a sprinkling of scholars, journalists, therapists, and spiritual writers who conducted formal interviews with him.
Papaji: Interviews chronicles the encounters of well-known writers such as Jeff Greenwald, Catherine Ingram, Wes Nisker, and David Godman with Papaji on a wide variety of topics. It also contains a first-person account of Papaji’s life and realization.

Category: Books
Sub-Category: Papaji Books
Price: ₹1500

Nothing Ever Happened (Biography)

In 1994, Papaji encouraged David Godman to work on a book that would narrate the events of his long and extraordinary life. These three volumes, totaling over 1200 pages, are the fruits of this intensive labor of love. Issued as a boxed set, they tell the story of Papaji’s life and teachings up to 1990, when he was “discovered” by large numbers of westerners.

Volume 1 – ₹400
Volume 2 – ₹400
Volume 3 – ₹400