Arrival In Lucknow
Arrival In Lucknow
I took my family to Lucknow because I had a friend there from my time in the army whom I knew I could rely on for help. With his assistance I found suitable accommodation. There was no question of my returning to the Maharshi because I was the only potential earner in our group. Refugees fleeing Pakistan for India were stripped of all their possessions before they left. Even personal jewelery was taken. Arriving in India with little more than the clothes we were wearing, it became my responsibility to feed, clothe and support this vast group of destitute refugees.
Having listened to the Maharshi for several years, I knew by heart the advice he always gave to householders: ‘Abide as the Self and do your duties in the world without being attached to them in any way.’ For the next few years I had ample opportunity to live this philosophy.
I had to work night and day to keep the family going. I have always been a big, strong man, and in my youth I was a successful wrestler.
But even with all this strength at my disposal, I had a grueling, arduous time trying to keep up with all the needs and expectations of thirty-four dependants, all of us stranded in a strange land. It did not help matters that my family did not feel any need to economize. On the rare occasions I came home I would find a house full of women, drinking cups of tea and frying mountains of pakoras. I remember buying an eighteen kilo tin of cooking oil for them almost every week.